
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find the journeys of Ti Gtu and information that I have researched and found useful for maintaining and servicing yachts and motorboats.

I post full information that I find on the Fay Marine information site, accessed through www.faymarine.com/ and I can be emailed at paul@faymarine.com.

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Happy sailing,

Paul Fay

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Waiting to go.

We were waiting until after the 12th June so that Mo could see the hand surgeon as a small but important operation was needed. We saw the surgeon on the Monday morning and he arranged for the operation on the Wednesday. Amazing!!

This was of course at a private hospital but the operation was funded by the NHS.

We think the surgeon fitted Mo in so that she could have a pain free summer. Many thanks to him.

That meant we had to wait around for checks etc. and we now hope to leave on the 4th July and head East.


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