
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find the journeys of Ti Gtu and information that I have researched and found useful for maintaining and servicing yachts and motorboats.

I post full information that I find on the Fay Marine information site, accessed through www.faymarine.com/ and I can be emailed at paul@faymarine.com.

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Happy sailing,

Paul Fay

Saturday 6 July 2024

Haarlem and repairs.


The new parts we needed were ordered over the weekend from Vetus online which is in Denmark. It was promised to arrive anywhere in Europe in 3 to 4 days. On Monday I was emailed that the parts had been sent and they arrived at 3pm on the Tuesday. Fantastic!!!

Tuesday evening saw the old parts removed and by Wednesday evening everything was fitted and working. The only problem was that there was a gale forecast so we decided to stay in Haarlem rather than try to find somewhere around the very busy Amsterdam.

We looked around the city some more doing a walk and seeing some amazing narrow streets which are very picturesque. Sitting on the boat over the first weekend we were amazed to see the police out in force stopping all the many pleasure boats going up and down. Apparently they were checking that the boats were legal with the correct safety gear, life jackets etc.

The cost of stopping here including electric has worked out at roughly £20.00 a day. Match that South coast marinas.

Just North of us the wind was storm 10 so we have been happy to stay here. Interestingly the major road and rail bridges a few hundred meters from us have been unable to open as the wind has been too strong. We are hoping it reduces soon so that we can carry on through Amsterdam and into Markenmeer.

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