
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find the journeys of Ti Gtu and information that I have researched and found useful for maintaining and servicing yachts and motorboats.

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Happy sailing,

Paul Fay

Sunday 21 July 2024

North to Marken


The wind blew and it pissistantly rained so we sat in the anchorage for three days. Eventually deciding to sail North we left the anchorage but found that the wind was far too strong to be able to safely enter the harbour at Marken so we went into a small marina at Uitdam. Unusually for Holland this is a dump. The pontoons are falling to pieces and it is obvious that the owners are only interested in the holiday chalet business.

One night was enough and we went on to Marken the next morning. The wind was light and we entered and had great difficulty finding a berth until a boat left and we had a good alongside berth.

Marken is an amazing place, the whole island is well below sea / lake level and protected all round by a dyke. We spent a good couple of days looking round again but the weather was beginning to forecast light winds which would allow us to go back through the North sea canal and head South via the sea and re enter the Southern lake system at Stellendam. It worked out really well. We had two days glorious sailing with force 2 to 3 off the land. An overnight stop at Scheveningen and into Haringvliet lake to anchor the next day.

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