
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find the journeys of Ti Gtu and information that I have researched and found useful for maintaining and servicing yachts and motorboats.

I post full information that I find on the Fay Marine information site, accessed through www.faymarine.com/ and I can be emailed at paul@faymarine.com.

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Happy sailing,

Paul Fay

Monday 2 September 2024

Back to home


Ti Gitu went to Dunkerque for a night and then crossed to Dover in very light winds. We had a couple of nights there and as the wind went North Easterly we headed West. The problem was that the tides were at the wrong times for decent daylight passages so we headed for Rye to anchor off the beach, which we have done before in Northerly winds. However the wind was North Easterly and the West going swell was finding its way into the bay and we had an awful night with little sleep as Ti Gitu rolled and bucked over the swell.

We were on our way by 7am the next morning and had a really fast run to Newhaven reaching over 8 knots in the swell. From there the next day it was a light wind sail back to Chichester harbour before entering the marina the next morning.

Really nice to have had some good travels this summer but it will be nice to stop traveling for a while.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Along to Nieuwport


We went down the canal to Flushing and spent the night in the marina there before locking out into the sea first thing the following morning.

It was a really nice light wind sail along to Blankenburg where we waited for a favorable wind to continue along the coast.

It looked like the wind would have enough South in it for us to make it to Nieuwport so we decided to take the chance. The wind was off the coast at a sharp angle and close in the seas were a little rough but get just a couple of miles out and it became really rough and as we were hard into the wind it was a difficult passage but not too long. We did sleep well that night.

Our poor bikes which live on deck do need regular maintenance and mine had a crank bearing fail but as everyone here cycles there are lots of bike shops and new bearings were easily obtained and fitted.

Blankenburg and Nieuwport marinas are both members of the Trans Europe group as are some marinas inside Holland which saves a lot of cash and we have made good use of Emsworth’s membership this visit.

Next Ti Gitu will cross to Dover and hopefully after a couple of nights there the wind will go Easterly to give a run along the coast back to Emsworth.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Veerse Meere


Once in Veerse Meere we anchored opposite Kortgene waiting for me to see a dentist as I had broken a tooth. We spent a couple of nights in the marina while the tooth was fixed and then went further down the meere.

There is an offshoot from the meere which we have always found wonderful and it is just a three mile ride to a supermarket.

Well we had never been in there in the height of the summer holidays when we found it to be absolutely packed so we only spent a couple of nights there before going out to anchor.

One thing we did discover was the local airport which has a really good restaurant where you can watch the planes and parachutists while eating. We went there twice.

The winds have been Westerly for ages and so we waited for things to change which it hasn’t so in the next few days we will take advantage of the odd days of fair wind to get along the coast to Blankenberg and Niewpoort before crossing to Dover.

The plan will be to take the canal past Middleburg to Flushing and wait overnight before heading to Blankenberg first thing in the morning.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Williamstad and South

 We anchored in Haringvliet for a couple of nights before going a couple of miles to the town of Hellevoetsluis which appeared on the maps to be interesting. It was mildly but we decided to move on the next day and go to Williamstad once again. There is one bridge that has to be negotiated which has one opening section. I didn’t realize that it didn’t open between 1500 and 1800 to stop the inevitable traffic jams on the motorway. So in the very light winds we sailed down wind sometimes making the dizzying speed of 2 knots. Anyway once we arrived we had to wait for an hour for the 1800 opening and then went to the free pontoon at the dam next to Williamstad for the night.

Williamstad is fantastic and we spent three days there looking around and enjoying the town for the third time. There is a really good chandlery there and I purchased spares and antifreeze at half the price of elsewhere.

 From Williamstad to Veerse Meere is 27 miles so we set off reasonably early to negotiate the two locks on the way. I had broken a tooth and found there is a dentist who could see me in a few days at Kortgene in Veerse Meere which is where the Trans Europe Delta marina is situated.

 At the second lock just as we were about to enter as the last boat in a convoy the lights went red. We didn’t know what to do but as other boats were still entering we did the same. The wind was blowing directly into the lock which made tying up difficult and as Ti Gitu swung around the wind generator contacted the wall and broke a blade. Another few hours of repairs but luckily we still had a couple of spare blades.

The bridge had broken and we all had to wait in the lock for 1½ hours while an engineer was sent for. Yachts and motor boats continued to arrive until the lock was totally jammed.

Eventually things were repaired and we passed through going to anchor in one of the small lakes off the mere before entering the marina for a couple of nights and getting the tooth fixed.

Our time in the EU is beginning to get short so we will spend time in Veerse Meere where there are lots of good mooring places and wait for a weather window to head along the coast to Blankenburg, Niewpoort and back across to Dover.

Sunday 21 July 2024

North to Marken


The wind blew and it pissistantly rained so we sat in the anchorage for three days. Eventually deciding to sail North we left the anchorage but found that the wind was far too strong to be able to safely enter the harbour at Marken so we went into a small marina at Uitdam. Unusually for Holland this is a dump. The pontoons are falling to pieces and it is obvious that the owners are only interested in the holiday chalet business.

One night was enough and we went on to Marken the next morning. The wind was light and we entered and had great difficulty finding a berth until a boat left and we had a good alongside berth.

Marken is an amazing place, the whole island is well below sea / lake level and protected all round by a dyke. We spent a good couple of days looking round again but the weather was beginning to forecast light winds which would allow us to go back through the North sea canal and head South via the sea and re enter the Southern lake system at Stellendam. It worked out really well. We had two days glorious sailing with force 2 to 3 off the land. An overnight stop at Scheveningen and into Haringvliet lake to anchor the next day.

Friday 12 July 2024

North Sea Canal to Markenmeer


We left Haarlem and went just a few miles spending a couple of nights on a free waiting dock before going just a few miles more and spending a couple of nights in Watersportvereniging Ijmond. This is a marina / club where we have stopped before. Really friendly, the only problem is that it is under the flight path of Schipol airport. Flights are reduced overnight but it is still annoying. Good cycling around the area where you never need to go onto a road as the cycle paths are fantastic.

After two nights we went into the North Sea Canal and passed through Amsterdam. We have spent time in Amsterdam before and decided not to stop this time. The only lock and bridge are just to the East of the city as all the roads pass under the canal through tunnels. There are also numerous ferries for cyclists and pedestrians which were all free when we went there.

We went through and anchored in the first bay in Markenmeer.

The bay is just 2.5 meters deep and good holding so the next day with a forecast of heavy rain all day we decided to wait before continuing on to the island of Marken.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Haarlem and repairs.


The new parts we needed were ordered over the weekend from Vetus online which is in Denmark. It was promised to arrive anywhere in Europe in 3 to 4 days. On Monday I was emailed that the parts had been sent and they arrived at 3pm on the Tuesday. Fantastic!!!

Tuesday evening saw the old parts removed and by Wednesday evening everything was fitted and working. The only problem was that there was a gale forecast so we decided to stay in Haarlem rather than try to find somewhere around the very busy Amsterdam.

We looked around the city some more doing a walk and seeing some amazing narrow streets which are very picturesque. Sitting on the boat over the first weekend we were amazed to see the police out in force stopping all the many pleasure boats going up and down. Apparently they were checking that the boats were legal with the correct safety gear, life jackets etc.

The cost of stopping here including electric has worked out at roughly £20.00 a day. Match that South coast marinas.

Just North of us the wind was storm 10 so we have been happy to stay here. Interestingly the major road and rail bridges a few hundred meters from us have been unable to open as the wind has been too strong. We are hoping it reduces soon so that we can carry on through Amsterdam and into Markenmeer.